Monday, May 10, 2010

Pictures from "A Sacrifice of Praise"

Still pictures from the dress rehearsal of "A Sacrifice of Praise" were just added to a Picasa web album, which you can see by clicking here. It takes time to sort through them all, but it brings back good memories!

Slideshow for "A Sacrifice of Praise"

Below is a slideshow of pictures that was played at the end of "A Sacrifice of Praise." It shares pictures from the 2009-2010 year in addition to pictures from the dress rehearsal and presentations leading up to "A Sacrifice of Praise."

The original background song was "O Praise Him" by the David Crowder Band - it fit the theme well. But because my ASCAP license only covers music played live at the presentation, for the upload I used a song my good friend Miriam Hart (with her brother's accompaniment) played at her senior recital - a classical piece and thus not copyrighted. Just ignore the slight noises in the background, as it was recorded live at her recital. :)

These pictures represent a great year; I've learned so much, and God has done amazing things. All praise goes to Him!

To see the slideshow larger on Tangle, click here.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Praise God for 'A Sacrifice of Praise!'

Today, at 4 PM, we began "A Sacrifice of Praise." By 5:15 PM the program was over, and by 6:30 PM, we were out of the building, with everything taken down.

Things really came together. The girls danced beautifully I hear (I was backstage, after all!), and many people were blessed. It's hard to believe that it's all over now!

To God be the glory! Great things He has done!

Take it All

My prayer is that everything we do today, as we present "A Sacrifice of Praise" at 4 PM, will be done all for God's glory.

Picture Credit: Debbie Townes