Last week was Picture Week at the King's Praise Ballet! Here are some of the (many) portraits of the girls (and guys) who will be dancing in "Mercy in Disguise: The Story of Joseph" next week!

Here's Joseph in his coat of many colors! Or rather, here's one of our Josephs! We actually have three guys who portray the character of Joseph at different stages of his life.
This is Joseph as the ruler over all Egypt. =)
Basic Ballet 3 will be dancing as members of Jacob's family in these lovely costumes! |
Speaking of Jacob's family, here are 11 of his sons! (Also known as the Brothers.) In this picture, we have both the older and younger "Benjamin," and we're missing Joseph. =) |
Wee 2 is dancing as the Brothers' sheep. These girls make the cutest lambs! |
Among other things, Ballet I will be representing the "years of plenty" foretold by Pharaoh's dreams! I love the color and detail of these costumes! |
Most of Ballet V will be dancing as the caravan of Arabs (Ishmaelites) who take Joseph to Egypt. |
I love Wee 3's costumes! They are so dainty and sweet! These girls will be dancing to "Through Heaven's Eyes" (from The Prince of Egypt movie) and "Forgiveness" (by Matthew West). |
The girls in Ballet IV have really matured in their dancing this year! They are dancing as the workers and servants in Egypt. |
This year, we are excited to have the Beginning Pointe class do a dance for the presentation! Along with Basic 2, the girls en pointe will be dancing as the "sheaves of wheat" in one of Joseph's dreams. |
Two sweet sisters from Basic 1! Along with Wee 1, their class will represent the stars, sun, and moon in Joseph's second dream. Basic 1 will also be dancing to "Blessed Be Your Name" by the Newsboys. |
This year, Ballet II has a costume that really matches their fun and energetic personalities! They will be dancing as (obviously) the Egyptians of Pharaoh's court! |
The girls in Ballet III make the prettiest prisoners we've ever seen! They're dancing to "Losing" by Tenth Avenue North and "Better Than I" (from the movie Joseph, King of Dreams), which both take place while Joseph is in prison. |
And last, but certainly not least, is one of the dads who has courageously stepped into the role of Pharaoh! |
You can see these and the rest of the girls and guys in action on Friday, April 25th at 7pm and Saturday, April 26th at 4pm at Hunter Hills Church of Christ in Prattville, AL! We're excited to see how God will continue to bring "Mercy in Disguise" together and use it to bless others and glorify His name! See you there!