Last Saturday we had our first rehearsal with costumes. Before that could happen, we had to decide what everyone would wear - no small task for a cast of 55!
So, the Saturday before, my sister and 4 other girls I lovingly call "adopted younger sisters" helped me sort through our costume supply. Because of all we've made and gathered over the years, plus some things the cast members gave us to borrow, I only ended up having to make about 6 new things, plus alter a few more.

It's always a bit overwhelming to know where to start. First we brought everything we thought we might need into the fellowship hall, and then started working through the costume book. Characters first, then through the ensemble by age...

No matter how well organized we start out, extra things always end up in a jumbled mess! But, many hands made the clean-up quick.

The costume notebook records each item for each actor, to keep things straight and know if it's property of
The King's Courts, or borrowed.

Food and music were necessary for an upbeat afternoon. :)

Sometimes the girls doubled as models for the costumes. We decided that a girl trying on a guy's costume (in the above case, the one for King Xerxes) always made the costume look girlish...

After almost 5 hours, we were finally done. A lot of work, but made fun by all the good help. Thanks girls!