Dance classes started yesterday. The King's Praise Ballet has over 50 students enrolled this fall, with 8 classes - 5 on Tuesday, and 3 (longer ones) on Thursday. It's definitely going to be a busy year, and it already has been pretty crazy just planning for them!
Life in the arts is a lot about planning. It's amazing how much time it takes to think through the various aspects of classes and productions, to arrange classes, plan class music and combinations, get written materials (student handbook, newsletters, etc.) typed up and printed, order dancewear, and reserve buildings for classes and productions. All the details can get overwhelming at times, but God is good. Ultimately He is in control. I may make plans, but the Lord determines our steps (Proverbs 15:16).
I'm excited about the year ahead! There are new dances to choreograph, productions to plan for, and girls to teach. It is a sobering responsibility to know that I am impacting so many girls and their families, and I pray that I will equip them well to not only dance, but also to live their lives for the glory of God.

Looks like so much fun!!